
A Personal Observation On US Society

We were driving with a friend from Schenectady to Pittsburgh last week and I mentioned how I think individuals dominantly effect each other’s character and behaviour in US society. My friend thought that it was an interesting observation and I should write about it. He was a professor :) so I am listening him:

I believe, societies are always subject to some design work. Not necessarily planned, but in more like a chicken – egg relation. Sometimes top down, sometimes inherited, sometimes  time related design elements interact with individuals’ own concerns.

In many parts of the world I have seen different design elements through identity, through emotional enforcements, through education and training, through written and unwritten rules, through tradition and through wishes of individuals on how others should be.

Through my limited contact with US society,  I observed that in US, individuals try to shape each others’ character and behaviour maybe more directly than any other part of the world I am familiar with. This is of course incomplete and subjective conclusion and I am writing just to inspire people who would like to think about it or make a more thorough investigation.

The following concepts are dominantly used during this interaction:

- Integrity

- Perseverance

- Respect/Distance

… and even more dominantly

- Appreciation

- Challenge

To make a deeper analysis of how these concepts are implemented, should be a subject of another essay.

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